Thursday, December 29, 2011

Articles: The Democratic Party's War on the Poor

Articles: The Democratic Party's War on the Poor

 Here is the biggest problem that I have with the Democrat party, though the Republican party have issues too. I believe that nothing has hurt, and is hurting America more than the policies too long pushed by the democrat party. There are people that trully need help, but this help was never meant to become a lifestyle of subsidies, unless you are disabled in some way physically, or mentally to the point where you can't sustain yourself. We have too many people living off the government trough, and have settled into being taken care of by the tax payers, who are only about 50% of Americans. America has become a hand out magnet, where even people from other countries come to feed off big Nanny. In addition too much of our tax money goes out of the country, while we continue to have truly hurting people at home. Soon or later other people's money will run out, and the whole system will come crumbling down. We're almost there. America continues to operate on a false money system of electronic funds, ghost money floating in cyberspace, and printed up paper dollars with no real commodity to back them. Borrowing from China won't go on forever. China and the world already see that America has a bad credit rating. When your credit is bad, the loans stop coming, and the interest rates keep growing.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Where is Mr. or Mrs. Right? Matrimony suffers slump, report shows

Where is Mr. or Mrs. Right? Matrimony suffers slump, report shows

In our current culture there is an increasing amount of popular thought that marriage is not that important. Two people, and I mean any two people can commit to one another without a piece of paper. I've always thought if people felt so committed to each other, what's wrong with receiving a document recognized by the state proclaiming a legal marriage that underscores your commitment. I would think that this would only strengthen the bond, as the two would be brave enough to tell the world that we are committed, and this marriage will last. It is easier to walk away from a non documented commitment. Eventhough documented marriages fail for various reasons, legal marriages shows the seriousness society places on the bond of matrimony. Now enter children: Any honest person should easily see the affects of fatherless, or motherless influences in the home. Many time children are used as pawns, by parents when the courts become involved in custody battles, or child support payments. Inbittered children become rebellious, and seek attention, because in their minds they might see parental neglect and lack of love, or they feel that the break up is their fault. The instability of a strong two parent homelife can lead to so many other problems. I know in our popular culture, it is "progressive" to think that one parent can raise a child just as well as two. You think about it and see the results of people you know in these situations and the problems they face. Now of course there is always exeptions either way, but we shouldn't focus on the exceptions, but focus on the much higher precentages of negative effects broken homes have had on society. This is not to pass judgement, but only to face the reality of consequences of not keeping the vows of marriage because of the all too convenient, "irreconcilable differences", or the cohabitating of couples without strong commitment, especially when children are involved.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Economic Bad Times Just Beginning

Economic Bad Times Just Beginning

In the last 20 years, or longer we've seen a constant shrinking economic system in America. No matter what 2 party monopoly is in power, employment has gotten more and more scarce, with less manufacturing, and outsourcing of jobs being the main reasons. Now that we are in a global market economy, I personally don't ever see a turn-around, unless the American people at the grass-root level wake up to the fact that at the rate we're going, this country will be more like a "Third World" country. These type of countries are ruled by a central government that hands out crumbs to their subjects, in the name of shared wealth. There is a whole generation in America that have been molded to think that Big Gov knows best. To achieve this, education, entertainment, and media
are the main culprits of promoting what is 75% socialism. The government broad brushes everyone as the same, in the name of fariness, using other people's money (tax payers) for mass redistribution of wealth, even to non-citizens! Soon or later the money runs out, the country collapses and then you have all kinds of upheavel. This causes frustration and a feeling of helplessness, that plays right into the hands of Big Gov to have even more control over their subjects, because people feel that they have no where else to turn.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Obama’s Jekyll and Hyde Routine: Disturbing Mixed Messages - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama’s Jekyll and Hyde Routine: Disturbing Mixed Messages - HUMAN EVENTS

Are we there yet?
Every president inherits some mess from the previous administration, but at what point does a sitting president take some responsibility of any given current situation? At what point does the American public determine whether the direction of policy is good, or bad for the country? At what point does the American public open their eyes to the fact that the more things "CHANGE", the more theY stay the same and even get worse?